Madras College

Parent/Carer Council 

The Madras College Parent/Carer Council exists to support parental involvement in the school and to represent the Parent Forum (all parents/carers of pupils at Madras College).  The objectives of the Parent/Carer Council are to:

  • work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all (parents, pupils, teachers, support staff and the wider community)

  • promote partnership between the school, its pupils, all its parents/carers and the wider community

  • develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of pupils

  • identify and represent the views of parents/carers on the education provided by the school, and on other matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils

  • promote equality and fairness

  • be consulted in and contribute to the selection and appointment of the Headteacher and senior members of staff

  • be involved in the development of the School Improvement Plan and Standards and Quality Reports and school policies

The Parent/Carer Council comprises up to 40 parents/carers as well as various other interested parties.  However all those who are responsible for a child at Madras College are automatically part of the Parent Forum, and it is from this body that the members of the Parent/Carer Council are appointed.

We have collaborated with school leadership to create a document that helps explain Communication between school and home. We hope this is helpful for you. 

Communication between school and home