Madras College

Dress Code

It has long been recognised that one major aspect of a successful school is that pupils have a strong set of values which include a recognised pride in their school and a respect for their community. Alongside high attainment and good behaviour, the wearing of school uniform is a major influence on how the community and others perceive a school and the calibre of its young people.

 We expect all our young people, from S1 through to S6 to wear school uniform while at Madras College.

 Madras school uniform consists of:

 School blazer, school tie, plain white or light blue shirt or blouse, plain black or dark blue or Madras College jumper/cardigan, plain black or dark blue trousers or skirt and dark shoes.

For those pupils who are appointed as senior prefects the school blazer will display braid and school badge.

 What is not considered Madras College uniform?

  • Clothing which could potentially encourage disputes. For example: football colours such   as tops, scarves, hats etc
  • Clothing which could cause offence to others. For example: shirts or tops with political       slogans, anti-religious slogans, disrespect for others slogans, etc
  • Clothing which could cause health and safety (in the work place) problems. For example:   some items of jewellery, baggy clothing, clothing made from flammable material etc
  • Clothing which carries advertising. For example: tobacco, drugs etc
  • Clothing which supports inequality. For example: expensive designer logos (which not all can afford), etc
  • Clothing which is leisure orientated. For example: low cut and/or cropped T-shirts, leggings, shorts, short skirts, jeans, denim jackets, baseball caps etc

 What other form of dress is considered suitable?

  •  Ethnic/cultural dress which reflects a young person’s culture or religion

 Being Safe in the school

All pupils should be in school uniform while in school so that we know who is a pupil and who is not.

 How will we support Uniform?

It would be naïve of the school to expect that there may not be times when a pupil/young person at Madras College will forget (or mislay) an item of uniform on a given day. To support pupils when this happens, the school will purchase and retain a stock of school uniform items which can be issued (on loan for the day) to any pupil. If a pupil has lost part of their uniform, the loan system can be extended until the item has been replaced – or the parent/carer can purchase (outright or in payments) the item from the school.

Madras College uniform can be purchased on-line or ordered from Academy Uniforms. Details are on our web-site or can be obtained from our offices.